Assistive Technology for Young Children

Creating Inclusive Learning Environments

Paperback w/CD-ROM
Kathleen C. Sadao, EdD | Nancy B. Robinson, PhD, CCC-SLP | Sharon Judge, PhD
  • Ages Birth - 5
  • Product Code 9781598570915 ( MR #053553 )

Price $42.95

$40.80 (quantity of 5+)

$38.66 (quantity of 10+)

$36.51 (quantity of 20+)

$34.36 (quantity of 50+)

$32.21 (quantity of 100+)

- +

Assistive technology (AT) can help young children with disabilities fully participate in natural, inclusive learning environments—but many early childhood professionals don’t get the training they need to harness the power of AT. Fill that gap with this reader-friendly resource, the go-to guide to recommended AT practice for children birth to 5 years.
Developed by two leading early childhood specialists, this book demystifies AT and gives readers solutions they can implement right away, regardless of their technical experience.
Early childhood professionals will learn about the broad spectrum of AT supports for children with disabilities—from low-cost, low-tech options such as Velcro and homemade switches to higher tech options such as speech-generating software. Educators, early interventionists, SLPs, and other professionals will:
  • assess children’s needs and identify appropriate tools and strategies
  • follow the guiding principles for selecting, purchasing and implementing
  • support communication, language development, and early literacy skills
  • increase opportunities for play through AT that support motor, cognitive, and social skills
To help them get started with assistive technology, professionals will get a CD-ROM with 3 in-depth, printable forms for evaluating children’s AT needs, determining which types of tools and strategies to use, and creating individualized AT “toolkits” that help children meet OSEP outcomes and developmental goals. Readers will also find extended case studies and child profiles.
This professional resource will help educators, early interventionists, SLPs, and other professionals to use the best of today’s technology to ensure a fully inclusive education for young children.

  • Pages 256
  • Format 7" x 10"
  • Copyright 2010