Making ALL Kids Smarter

Strategies That Help All Students Reach Their Highest Potential

John DeLandtsheer
  • Product Code 9781412989039 ( MR #053400 )

Price $32.95

$31.30 (quantity of 10-24)

$29.66 (quantity of 25+)

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A hands-on guide for challenging ALL kids to think, create, and aspire!

John DeLandtsheer brings 40 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and gifted education specialist to this motivating resource that clearly explains why and how teachers must raise the bar for all students.
He provides specific strategies for differentiating instruction within the general classroom to challenge all learners with more rigorous content and creativity, showing teachers how to:
• Teach to the strengths of all children
• Apply six components of a brain-friendly classroom
• Build critical thinking skills
• Connect content through interdisciplinary themes
• Stimulate creativity with brainstorming activities
• Foster learning within and beyond the classroom by developing students’ research and study skills

The book provides a broad selection of exercises, activities and lesson plans that work together to create more motivating and engaging learning experiences for all students.

  • Pages 152
  • Format 7" x 10"
  • Copyright 2010