- Grades PreK - 12
- Pages 192
- Format 8.5" x 11"
- Copyright 2010
Product Code 9781412968720 ( MR #052671 )
Price $41.95
$39.85 (quantity of 10-24)
$37.76 (quantity of 25+)
Educators today are sure to encounter students with needs related to genetic and acquired disorders. Based on the most current research, this volume outlines issues affecting children who are born with or acquire a medical disorder or disease.
Written for school psychologists, counselors, administrators, and teachers, this easy-to-understand resource covers advances in health care and:
- Topics related to chromosomal, genetic, and metabolic disorders, such as phenylketonuria, the genetics of autism, the biology of shyness, and families of children with genetic disorders
- Acquired disorders, including prenatal exposure to alcohol and antidepressants, celiac disease, maternal post-partum depression and behavior problems, asthma, food allergies, and diabetes
- Coping with loss in schools, including the changing role of schools and the role of educators in dealing with grief and bereavement
Featuring case studies, strategies for educators, discussion questions, glossaries, and handouts, Genetic and Acquired Disorders provides valuable information to practitioners involved in providing differentiated instruction and educational accommodations, collaborating with families, working with the community, or influencing policy.
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