Think College

Postsecondary Education Options for Studetns with Intellectual Disabilities

Meg Grigal, PhD | Debra Hart, M.S.
  • Pages 344
  • Copyright 2010
  • Product Code 9781557669179 ( MR #052522 )

Price $39.95

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As the Higher Education Opportunity Act opens the door to more options and supports, more and more students with intellectual disabilities are "thinking college." That means high schools, colleges, and universities must be fully prepared to meet the needs of students with disabilities—and this comprehensive resource is just what they need. Developed by two of the most respected experts on this hot topic, this book uncovers the big picture of today's postsecondary options and reveals how to support students with disabilities before, during, and after a successful transition to college.
A critical resource for education professionals to read and share with families, Think College helps readers
  • understand the three current models for postsecondary education (PSE): inclusive individual supports; substantially separate, noninclusive classes; and hybrid approaches
  • overcome the common challenges and barriers to PSE for students with significant disabilities
  • plan effective, person-centered transition services for high school students as they pursue PSE
  • support students as they manage the practical aspects of a positive PSE experience
  • connect students' PSE experiences directly to employment and their other individual life goals
  • discover how exciting legislation and policy changes will affect future PSE options
Throughout the book, vignettes and first-person narratives from students and families underscore the benefits and challenges of PSE, and detailed profiles of real programs illustrate what a wide range of postsecondary options look like.
Readers will also get the helpful tools they need to create effective programs and ease students' transition to PSE, including a self-advocacy checklist, a program evaluation tool, sample student schedules, and a college-planning checklist for students and families.
With this thorough guide to today's PSE options and tomorrow's possibilities, professionals will help students with intellectual disabilities take full advantage of their educational opportunities—and set the stage for a successful, fulfilling community life.
Insights professionals need to help students
  • access college coursework
  • request accommodations
  • work well with faculty
  • set educational goals
  • assess progress
  • develop social relationships
  • evaluate employment opportunities
  • participate in work-based learning experiences
  • secure paid employment
  • and more

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