Strategies for Learning

Empowering Students for Success, Grades 9-12

Karen Rooney
  • Grades 9 - 12
  • Product Code 9781412972864 ( MR #052456 )

Price $39.95

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Give struggling students the study skills they need to achieve across the curriculum!

This book offers specific techniques that are researchproven to result in significantly improved classroom grades for all struggling students, including those with attention problems, learning disabilities, and underachievement issues.

Strategies for Learning offers both general and special education secondary teachers a collection of fieldtested learning strategies to help struggling students improve cross-curricular skills in areas that include vocabulary, reading, spelling, writing, math, word problems, grammar, foreign language, note taking, time management, and organization. Karen Rooney, Ph.D., draws on more than 25 years of practice to provide concrete, user-friendly strategies.

Without the need for time-intensive lesson planning, these strategies can be implemented immediately to help struggling students become independent, motivated, lifelong learners.

  • Pages 160
  • Format 8.5" x 11"
  • Copyright 2010