Preschool | EDUCATION

Mental Health in Schools

Engaging Learners, Preventing Problems, and Improving Schools

Howard S. Adelman | Linda Taylor
  • Grades PreK - 12
  • Pages 328
  • Format 7" x 10"
  • Product Code 9781412975384 ( MR #052452 )

Price $46.95

$44.60 (quantity of 10-24)

$42.26 (quantity of 25+)

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*Special order item (delivery delay possible)

Necessary reading for anyone concerned with student wellness and effective schools!

For many children, schools are the main or only providers of mental health services. In this visionary and comprehensive book, two nationally known experts describe a new approach to school-based mental health—one that better serves students, maximizes resources, and promotes academic performance.
The authors describe how educators can effectively coordinate internal and external resources to support a healthy school environment and help at-risk students overcome barriers to learning. School leaders, psychologists, counselors, and policy makers will find essential guidance, including:
  • An overview of the history and current state of school mental health programs, discussing major issues confronting the field
  • Strategies for effective school-based initiatives, including addressing behavior issues, introducing classroom-based activities, and coordinating with community resources
  • A call to action for higher-quality mental health programming across public schools—including how collaboration, research, and advocacy can make a difference
Gain the knowledge you need to develop or improve your school's mental health program to better serve both the academic and mental health needs of your students!

  • Chapter 1

  • Copyright 2010