How RTI Works in Secondary Schools

Evelyn S. Johnson | Lori Smith | Monica L. Harris
  • Grades 6 - 12
  • Product Code 9781412971003 ( MR #052433 )

Price $39.95

$37.95 (quantity of 10-24)

$35.96 (quantity of 25+)

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Practical solutions for implementing RTI and improving student outcomes in Grades 6–12!

Implementing Response to Intervention (RTI) in Grades 6–12 offers many unique challenges, but this comprehensive, research-based book provides secondary school administrators with the information, resources, and guidance necessary to use RTI for the benefit of struggling adolescent learners.

Drawing on the latest research, the authors identify the current best practices for key components of RTI and demonstrate how school teams can work together to implement an assessment- and data-driven decision-making process for educators. This book describes how all these elements can work together under the RTI framework.

With this valuable resource, secondary school leaders can avoid potential missteps when implementing RTI and make dramatic improvements in outcomes for adolescent learners!

  • Pages 168
  • Format 7" x 10"
  • Copyright 2009