Teach environmental studies and global warming in the inclusive classroom with these unique informational books. Available in two reading levels with identical front covers, so striving readers do not feel “singled out,” each title methodically explains the tough problems faced by our planet plus solutions large and small.
Each softcover book is 65-pages and contains hundreds of colorful photographs, illustrations, charts, graphs, index, and glossary, and “Facts & Figures” section.
Designed to work with both differentiated levels of Think Green, the 24-page teacher’s guides were developed in consultation with several state educational standards and contain multple components. Three lesson plans are included. These lesson plans are divided into sections: vocabulary, preview, reading the text, discussing the meaning, word work, extending the meaning, and critiquing. The teacher’s guide also contains 11 workseets (2 vocabulary, 1 writing, 1 index, 2 review, and 5 activity sheets).
- Reading level 3 books are Fountas-Pinnell level O,P, and Q
- Reading level 6 books are Fountas-Pinnell level W
- Scientific terms are defined in context
- Identical dramatic four-color covers (back cover band identifies books that are the lower level)
- Teacher’s Guides with reproducible activities allow students to work from either text
- Glossary defines difficult terms
- “Did you know?” sections contain interesting facts
- End-of-book “Facts & Figures” section summarizes critical information
- The index takes students directly to topic of interest