Price $43.95
$41.75 (quantity of 10-24)
$39.56 (quantity of 25+)
English language learners (ELLs) and standard English learners (SELs) face multiple gaps as they strive to achieve, so educators need to take a holistic, comprehensive approach to bridge those gaps and meet the needs of ELLs and SELs in the classroom.
Based on an original, well-researched framework, this much-needed resource provides practical strategies for supporting learning and success for ELLs. The authors provide strategies, examples, and classroom tools to address:
- The gap between students and texts: covering word recognition, background knowledge, comprehension, and academic language development
- The gap between students and teachers: including socio-cultural differences between teachers and students, and teacher perceptions and expectations
- The gap between students and their peers: discussing language proficiency differences, grouping strategies, and grade-level and schoolwide programs
The Literacy Gaps helps educators give ELLs the skills they need to close the most important gap of all: the achievement gap.