RTI Assessment Essentials for Struggling Learners

John J. Hoover
  • Product Code 9781412969543 ( MR #051656 )

Price $41.95

$39.85 (quantity of 10-24)

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Effective and ongoing assessment processes are crucial for making important decisions about the education of at-risk and struggling students. This practical book presents K–12 educators with a comprehensive overview of the three primary types of assessment within multitiered Response to Intervention (RTI) models: universal screening, progress monitoring, and diagnostic assessment for special education.

This resource establishes the foundation for assessment in RTI and provides practical suggestions for implementing universal screening and progress monitoring to make informed instructional decisions. The author identifies the role of RTI in determining student eligibility for special education services and discusses effective assessment decision-making processes, including roles and responsibilities of different team members.

RTI Assessment Essentials for Struggling Learners is a valuable guide for members of RTI teams looking to expand their expertise in meeting the needs of all students.

  • Pages 200
  • Format 8.5" x 11"
  • Copyright 2009