Using RTI for School Improvement

Raising Every Student’s Achievement Scores

Cara Shores | Kim Chester
  • Product Code 9781412966412 ( MR #050749 )

Price $41.95

$39.85 (quantity of 10-24)

$37.76 (quantity of 25+)

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A step-by-step approach for implementing RTI to improve schoolwide achievement!

This book gives school and district leaders a comprehensive vision and framework for implementing RTI schoolwide and includes interventions and assessments for teachers.

Cara Shores and Kim Chester help educators identify students at risk, pinpoint highly effective strategies that address students’ individual needs, and use assessment to monitor progress and adjust instruction. The book offers an overview of RTI and takes readers through each level of a three-tiered RTI pyramid geared to provide effective teaching practices for all learners and develop interventions for at-risk and nonresponding students.

Combining a “big picture” approach with researchbased strategies, Using RTI for School Improvement illustrates how RTI can transform schools into highly effective, motivating learning environments.

  • Pages 232
  • Format 7" x 10"
  • Copyright 2009