Price $42.95
$40.80 (quantity of 10-24)
$38.66 (quantity of 25+)
With today's diverse and standards-driven classroom environment, teachers are eager for a new approach to grammar instruction—one that builds understanding of the structure and nuances of English. This practical guide points the way to fun, engaging, and effective grammar teaching for Grades K–12.
Designed for classroom teachers, this resource covers grammar fundamentals that support vocabulary and writing skills. Readers will discover teaching strategies that encourage creativity and critical thought, based on a realistic approach to children's language development. This guide provides:
•Clear explanations of grammatical terms as a refresher for teachers
•Easy-to-implement classroom activities, including examples and word play from children's literature
•Appropriate techniques for a broad audience of students, with specific suggestions for English language learners
•Background on the development of English as a global language, promoting students' respect for diverse cultures
•A teaching approach that supports the National Council of Teachers of English standards for English language arts
Help your students develop a deep understanding of English grammar and build a solid foundation for academic achievement and lifelong communications skills.
- Copyright 2009