Facilitator's Guide to The Win-Win Classroom

A Fresh and Positive Look at Classroom Management

Jane Bluestein
  • Pages 88
  • Product Code 9781412965033 ( MR #050563 )

This is a resource for The Win-Win Classroom

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Lead training that helps teachers establish win-win authority relationships with students!

Based on Jane Bluestein's remarkable book The Win-Win Classroom, this guide gives staff developers and workshop leaders the tools to facilitate book study groups, seminars, and professional development events to help teachers prevent discipline problems, build student accountability, and end frustrating power struggles with kids of all ages. Facilitators will be able to discuss the impact of stress, brain functioning, learning styles, and social/emotional issues on student behavior and provide empowering guidelines and practical ideas for:
  • Avoiding the "rules and punishment" trap
  • Creating a caring and emotionally safe learning climate
  • Defusing conflict and opposition
  • Encouraging student cooperation, motivation, self-management, and on-task behavior
  • Engaging even the most defiant, defeated, or resistant learner
This chapter-by-chapter study guide follows the same format as the companion book and features
  • Workshop activities
  • Discussion questions
  • Suggestions for practical applications
  • Chapter summaries
  • Handouts and overheads
  • Resources for extending learning
  • Sample agendas for half-day, one-day, and two-day workshops
  • A workshop evaluation form
The Facilitator's Guide to The Win-Win Classroom is ideal for staff developers or anyone leading professional training for groups of any size—pairs, small workshops, or large seminars.

  • Copyright 2009