Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning (ASIEP-3)

Complete Kit

David A. Krug | Joel R. Arick | Patricia J. Almond
  • Ages 2-0 through 13-11 years
  • Testing Time Varies
  • Administration Individual
  • Product Code 12740 ( MR #049480 )

* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.

Price $441.25

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The Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning–Third Edition (ASIEP-3) is a valid and reliable measure of autism and related behaviors.  It was designed to identify individuals with autism; assist in planning appropriate educational programs for those individuals; monitor performance and progress; and research autism. Necessary data is collected from five main standardized components:
  1. Autism Behavior Checklist — provides a checklist of 47 behaviors typical of autistic individuals for use during the initial screening process
  2. Sample of Vocal Behavior — measures four characteristics of the spontaneous speech of children with autism (i.e., repetitiveness, noncommunication, intelligibility, and babbling)
  3. Interaction Assessment — measures a child’s spontaneous social responses and reactions to requests
  4. Educational Assessment — measures a child’s functioning levels in five areas (i.e., stay in seat, receptive language, expressive language, body concept, and speech imitation)
  5. Prognosis of Learning Rate — examines a child’s learning acquisition rate, using a discrete trial-direct instruction format
This revised edition covers normed data for individuals between the ages of 2-0 (2 years 0 months) and 13-11 (13 years 11 months). Teachers, school psychologists, speech-language pathologists, parents, or professionals familiar with autism can quickly score the test, making it time and cost effective.
Features of the new ASIEP-3
  • All new normative data were collected from a demographic representative sample of the U.S. population.
  • Standard scores and percentile ranks are now provided for ages 2-0 to 13-11.
  • All record forms have been reconfigured into a standard format.
  • More item analysis.
  • More reliability studies.
  • More validity studies have been conducted.