Price $51.95
$49.35 (quantity of 10-24)
$46.76 (quantity of 25+)
Demonstrating that both struggling students and low-performing schools can show dramatic improvement, the authors provide lessons learned from experienced teachers to help educators effectively instruct students who are disadvantaged, culturally diverse, or who may be at risk. Featuring the voices of students, teachers, and administrators, this field-tested guide reviews NCLB mandates and encourages educators to:
- Establish priorities that focus on student learning
- Create a school and classroom climate of respect
- Maintain high expectations for academic performance
- Rely on results-driven instructional and assessment practices
- Collaborate with parents and families
Saving Our Students, Saving Our Schools, Second Edition, is a valuable resource for educators who want to ensure positive school change and support academic success for their students.
- Copyright 2008