How the Special Needs Brain Learns

Second Edition
David A. Sousa
  • Product Code 9781412949873 ( MR #044391 )

Price $38.95

$37.00 (quantity of 10-24)

$35.06 (quantity of 25+)

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Leverage brain research to develop successful strategies for special needs students!

How the Special Needs Brain Learns, Second Edition, helps you turn the latest developments in neuroscience into practical classroom activities for students with common learning challenges. In this completely revised second edition, Sousa builds on the latest data by examining both simple and complex learning strategies that can be adapted for students with learning disabilities such as ADHD/ADD; speech, reading, writing, and math disabilities; emotional and behavioral disorders; autism; and Asperger’s syndrome.

Emphasizing lifelong independent learning, increased retention, and cognitive flexibility, this revision offers educators targeted assistance with:

» Responsiveness to Intervention (RTI) for evaluating students at risk
» Expanded chapters on attention and autism spectrum disorders
» Revised material on reading, emotional, and behavioral disorders
» A new final chapter featuring a practical framework for identifying, accommodating, and motivating special needs students
» References to more than 230 new scientific studies

Offering real strategies for real classrooms, Sousa’s latest work is an indispensable tool for all educators, school administrators and teachers, staff developers, preservice educators, and even parents who want to better understand the way their children process and retain information.