Whole Page Single Addend Calculations
Includes 3 Overhead Lessons – Concrete Equations & How to Use a Numberline
Easy Timed Math Drills <show description>
Improve the speed and accuracy of beginning learners with this simplified version of our best-selling Timed Math Drills! Easy-to-read practice drills with fewer equations per page cover facts 0-9 and feature 36 single digit equations per drill. Each includes 3 overhead transparencies for “whole-class” lessons and a reproducible award certificate and progress chart. 32 pages each.
Timed Math <show description>
Build basic math skills the old-fashioned way! These step-by-step activity pages are perfect for the student who needs plenty of practice to reach mastery levels. Students love racing the clock to show their knowledge, building skills and accuracy as they go. Validate students' achievement with the reproducible award certificates, and use the progress charts to track development.
The goal is to achieve mastery at the highest possible accuracy level in the lowest possible time. Progress chart and award forms are included to validate students' achievements.