Price $44.95
$42.70 (quantity of 10-24)
$40.46 (quantity of 25+)
In today’s classrooms, teachers must meet the educational needs of students of all ability levels, including students with disabilities. This invaluable resource offers elementary and secondary teachers a deeper awareness of "what works" when teaching students with disabilities in general education classrooms. Grounded in extensive special education research, this book will enlighten teachers with a greater understanding of special education students and how to teach them successfully.
For teaching students with the most common disabilities in classes with their nondisabled peers, general and special education teachers alike will get the most current information on issues such as:
- Developing Individualized Education Programs
- Teaching reading successfully
- Managing behavior and motivating students
- Organizing classrooms and lessons effectively
- Using cognitive strategies successfully
- Making appropriate accommodations and modifications
- Assessing students, grading, and collecting data
- Working with parents and families
- Collaborating with other teachers and parents
Rooted in the best research and practice, this essential resource demonstrates how to teach inclusive classes successfully.