Strategies for Success

Classroom Teaching Techniques for Students with Learning Differences

Second Edition
Lynn J. Meltzer | Susan E. Taber | Leta Kniffin | Kathleen Rafter Biddle | Bethany N. Roditi | Kathleen Boyle Caron | Joan L. Steinberg
  • Product Code 10619 ( MR #042347 )

Price $47.00  $29.95

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Strategies for Success provides realistic and accessible teaching techniques for teachers, special educators, and other professionals working with students at the late elementary, middle, and early high school levels. This book is particularly useful for teachers working in inclusive settings. These strategies can help teachers to understand the diverse learning profiles of their students and create classroom environments that encourage all students to succeed.

Strategy instruction accomplishes the following goals:
» Students learn how to learn, rather than only what to learn. Students learn strategies that they can generalize across different content areas and tasks
» Students begin to understand the process of learning
» Students bypass their areas of weakness to perform at the level at which they are capable
» Strategies promote flexible thinking and teach students the importance of shifting their approaches to different tasks
» Strategies encourage independent learning
» Strategy use helps students to become more efficient and more effective learners

  • Pages 224
  • Copyright 2006