Price $39.95
Successfully implementing a vibrant school improvement plan requires a thorough knowledge of the program and the savoir-faire of an enthusiastic, experienced leader. Though you may have a deep understanding of the components and implementation procedures of The Schoolwide Enrichment Model, don’t you wish you could get some personal advice from those who have already successfully implemented SEM? How did they generate community support? Was funding an issue? What does a timeline for implementation look like? What got teachers excited about the model? And how did parents respond? Based on personal experience and interviews with SEM administrators, Dr. Friedman has gathered the best tips and advice on implementing SEM, whether you and your staff have chosen to bring SEM to your school or it was mandated. Friedman includes information on different styles of implementation, characteristics of a successful SEM administrator, tips on how to monitor progress, staff development activities, sample documents, helpful resources, and more.