Leadership for Equity and Excellence

James Joseph Scheurich | Linda Skrla
  • Pages 178
  • Format 6" x 9"
  • Product Code 9780761945864 ( MR #037855 )

Price $39.95

$37.95 (quantity of 10-24)

$35.96 (quantity of 25+)

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When true equity prevails, all students can be successful students!

Do you dream of success for every student? Do you dream of raising achievement for each and every child to meet the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act? Historically, underserved students—children of color, children from low-income families, English language learners—all deserve to live this dream. Creating an equitable learning environment in which all students thrive is possible—with this guide you can turn dreams into reality for your school.
Leadership for Equity and Excellence encourages school leaders and teachers to develop creative strategies for student advancement using tools such as accountability, equity audits, and proactive redundancy. Scheurich and Skrla demonstrate how deeply held beliefs manifest as biases, preventing educators from unlocking their students' potential. The authors also examine the U.S. education achievement gap, and suggest several concepts for overcoming this gap, such as:
  • Eliminating "can't" from your vocabulary
  • Using creativity, perseverance, and persistence
  • Envisioning educators as civil rights workers
  • Moving beyond harmful, but entrenched, biases
  • Understanding the cultures and backgrounds of each student
Children of color excelling in school . . . children from low-income homes thriving academically . . . classrooms, communities, and even a nation of people becoming truly equal—this is the living dream of today's educators.

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  • Copyright 2003