In Book 4: Geometry and Measurement, students will explore the basic concepts of geometry, including points, lines, perimeter, area, and volume. They will also learn about measurement, both standard and metric. Through the mastery of these skills, other mathematical skills of problem-solving and creative thinking are discovered.
The Math Clues Series provide a clear understanding of basic mathematical concepts. Each skill and concept is fully developed with lessons, practice, and motivating story problems.
Each book in the series is divided into 3 sections:
Introduction and Review of Concepts
The lessons in this section present important mathematical concepts and teach students important computation skills. Step-by-step directions and easy-to-understand definitions clearly explain each concept and procedure. This section will serve as a useful reference guide for the lessons in the last two sections.
Skill-Building Word Problems
Creative story problems use mystery and humor to hold students’ interest. Each lesson in this section deals with a particular skill, and students are aware of the skill being practiced in each.
Challenge Word Problems
These pages add an additional challenge for students who understand all of the concepts and have mastered the computational skills covered in this resource. The same type of problems that were presented in the second section are presented in this section with one important exception—students are not told which skills are involved.