Lindamood-Bell Auditory ConceptualizationTest (LAC-3)
Complete Kit
- Ages 5 - 18 years
- Testing Time 20-30 minutes
- Administration Individual
Product Code 10980 ( MR #031185 )
* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.

Price $317.00
Lindamood-Bell Auditory ConceptualizationTest (LAC-3)
LAC-3 Examiner's Manual (with online audio access)
Manual includes online access to audio files
$139.00 -
Lindamood-Bell Auditory ConceptualizationTest (LAC-3)
LAC-3 Examiner Record Booklets (25)
$126.00 -
Lindamood-Bell Auditory ConceptualizationTest (LAC-3)
LAC-3 Blocks Kit
$38.00 -
Lindamood-Bell Auditory ConceptualizationTest (LAC-3)
LAC-3 Felt Kit
- Normative Data — Standard scores, percentile ranks, and age and grade equivalents are now provided for individuals between the ages of 5-0 through 18-11.
- More Complexity — The number of items in Category II has been increased from 12 to 18. The syllables have been extended from 4 phonemes to 5. This category is now titled Tracking Phonemes (Monosyllables).
- Multisyllabic Processing — Three new categories of items have been added which extend the test into the multisyllable level of processing. These subtests are titled Counting Syllables (Multisyllables), Tracking Syllables (Multisyllables), and Tracking Syllables and Phonemes (Multisyllables).
- More Item Analysis — All items on the test were evaluated using both conventional item analysis and the new differential item functioning analysis.
- More Reliability — Reliability coefficients are provided for subgroups of the normative sample (e.g., African Americans, Hispanic Americans, gender groups) as well as for the entire normative sample.
- More Validity Studies — Many new validity studies have been conducted. Special attention has been devoted to showing that the test is valid for a wide variety of subgroups, as well as for the general population.
- Population Characteristics — Characteristics of the total normative sample relative to socioeconomic factors, gender, ethnicity, and other critical variables are the same as those reported for 2001 in the Statistical Abstract of the United States (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2001) and, therefore, are representative of the current U.S. population.
- Absence of Bias — Studies showing the absence of gender, racial, linguistic, and ethnic bias have been added.
- Audio CD — An all new audio CD demonstrating correct pronunciation and administration of test items is provided with the complete test kit.
Lindamood-Bell Auditory ConceptualizationTest (LAC-3)
LAC-3 Blocks Kit
$38.00 -
Lindamood-Bell Auditory ConceptualizationTest (LAC-3)
LAC-3 Examiner Record Booklets (25)
$126.00 -
Lindamood-Bell Auditory ConceptualizationTest (LAC-3)
LAC-3 Examiner's Manual (with CD)
$117.00 $99.00 -
Lindamood-Bell Auditory ConceptualizationTest (LAC-3)
LAC-3 Examiner's Manual (with online audio access)
Manual includes online access to audio files
$139.00 -
Lindamood-Bell Auditory ConceptualizationTest (LAC-3)
LAC-3 Felt Kit
- Copyright 2004