The Teen Success Handbook

Know Yourself! Build Great Relaitonships! Be a Winner in Life!

Dianne Schilling | David Cowan | Susanna Palomares
  • Target Group Ages 12 - 18
  • Pages 96
  • Product Code 11710 ( MR #031149 )

Price $29.00

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This straightforward, delightfully illustrated, fully reproducible handbook gets teenagers to stop and focus for a few minutes at a time on their own development. Enjoyable activities ask them to look at who they are; what they want to be (and be like); and their dreams, aspirations, and interests. It encourages them to take stock of their own "developmental assets," observe other people to find out what works and doesn't work in life, and learn important intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.

  • Format 8.5" x 11"