This supplementary worktext series teaches math students how to solve the kinds of word problems found on today’s standardized and proficiency tests. Based on current research, Math Story Problems provides carefully sequenced instruction in the process, skills, and strategies that successful problem-solvers use. The curriculum for this series is based on NCTM standards and fits well with all major basal math programs.
Each 8½ ” x 11” book is 96-pages with a 4-colour cover and 2-colour interior. A separate 16 to 24-page teacher’s guide for each title provides teaching notes and answer key.
Lessons are two-page spreads with instruction and worked out examples in the upper left.
The exercises that follow the instruction provide guided and independent practice.
To ensure steady progress between the levels each book is consistently organized based on a 2-part format. in Part 1 of each worktext students learn the four-step process of problem solving and practice related skills. In Part 2, students learn and practice specific problem-solving strategies.
Facing higher standards? Now you can help ALL your students succeed with Up-To-Speed Math. This series brings students who have gaps in their understanding of math concepts and skills up-to-speed. “Low Gear” lessons review the basics. “High Gear” lessons extend understanding of concepts and skills. Built around new NCTM standards and widely tested skills and concepts. Student worktexts are 96-pages each.
- Comprehensive Teacher’s Manual for each title
- Problem-solving woven throughout each unit-keeps math at a practical level
- 8 sequentially developed units in each worktext
- 6 separate titles allow educators to focus on individual skill development
- Skills and understanding developed with real world problems
- Meets NCTM standards
- Math glossary in each book provides accessible references
- “Low Gear” lessons review the basics
- “High Gear” lessons extend understanding of the concepts and skills
- “Tips for Tests” focuses attention of preparing for test day, and on answering those tricky questions that often confuse the best math students
- Easy-to-read format and page layout
- Provides mental computation techniques and calculator use