Price $83.00
Multiple Word Meanings is for use by students in elementary grades and above who have limited understanding of words, printed and spoken, that have more than one meaning (e.g., stalk, brush).
This program is a revision of two popular series, Many Meanings and Multiple Meanings. Now combined into one comprehensive program, Multiple Word Meanings is designed for ease of use while retaining the salient aspects of the incorporated materials. Its restructuring provides the special learner with a seamless transition from less complex language structures to the difficult challenges of language development, especially semantics and syntax. The language structures found in Multiple Word Meanings closely parallel those used in Stephen Quigley's hugely popular Reading Milestones.
Objectives and standards are provided for teachers to individualize their evaluations for each student's needs. In this way, Multiple Word Meanings allows for a great deal of flexibility in both the delivery of instruction and its viability.