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Create a Poem is divided into 7 sections: Beginning Activities, The Shape of Poetry, Types of Poetry, Elements of Poetry, Getting and Developing Ideas, Poetry Showcase, and Student Poetry. There are 45 student activities. Among the forms featured are: “If I Could,” Parodies, Jingles, and Name Poems; Stanzas, Cinquains, Haiku, and Tanka; Diamond, Column, Alphabet, and Concrete Poems; Limericks; and others. Also covered are similes, metaphors, understatement, overstatement, oxymora, paradoxes, personification, apostrophe, idioms, aphorisms, sensory language and more! As teachers we cannot expect students to write poetry unless we introduce them to poetry in a pleasurable way. It is best to build on what students already know and currently experience in their popular culture. Look at song lyrics; reread nursery rhymes; look at Dr. Seuss, Shel Silverstein, and Robert Service. Examine commercial jingles and songs and chants used in games, such as jump rope.