I'm Studying Reading <show description>
What does I'm Studying Reading do?
This research-based series teaches the precise reading skills found on standardized tests.
• word meaning
• evaluating information
• constructing meaning
• using context clues
• using word analysis
• recognizing synonyms and antonyms
• drawing conclusions
• identifying main ideas, character, and plot
The posttest for each lesson mirrors the format of items on most standardized tests.
How does Studying Reading involve students in active learning?
Each chapter follows a sequential series of tasks with immediate feedback so students can
monitor their progress. Eight to 12 tasks in each lesson provide lots of practice!
How can Studying Reading be used?
The books work well for:
• extra instruction and practice for skills taught in the reading basal
• test preparation
• remediation
• summer school programs
• after-school programs
• take-home workbooks
• ESL learners
Since grade levels are not printed on the student editions, you can choose the levels most
appropriate for your students.
An indispensable Teacher Handbook completely and clearly explains the purpose, instructional design, and educational philosophy of the series. Lesson plans and test answers are also included.