3 Cheers For Teaching

A Guide to Growing Professionally and Renewing Your Spirit

Bonita DeAmicis
  • Pages 160
  • Copyright 1999
  • Product Code 9781569760949 ( MR #018810 )

Price $28.95

$27.50 (quantity of 10-24)

$26.06 (quantity of 25+)

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Effective strategies for teachers wanting to make real changes in their lives and work are provided in this step-by-step program that will help teachers uncover what they need to know in order to teach well. Provided are 16 activities for discovering teachers' uniqueness; seven ways teachers can gain knowledge to help them in the classroom; six activities to help teachers examine their beliefs and values; 14 methods of self-observation; eight ways to reinforce or acquire the four essential habits of a teacher; encouragement for those who are just getting started; and inspiration for those in need of a cure for burnout.

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