Write! Cooperative Learning & The Writing Process

Virginia DeBolt
  • Grades 3 - 8
  • Pages 208
  • Product Code BDW ( MR #012981 )

Price $29.00

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Integrate cooperative learning and the writing process. This book provides several ready-to-use writing lessons in each of the writing domains: imaginative, functional, communication, non-fiction/reporting, and opinion-making. Use cooperative learning structures throughout the stages of the writing process: prewriting, writing, proofing and editing, conferring and rewriting, and publishing. Loaded with practical management tips, references, resources, and ideas for evaluating students’ writing with: portfolios, holistic scoring, primary trait scoring, analytic, self evaluation, and peer evaluation.

  • Table or Contents

  • "It was a dark and stormy night…"

  • Poetry Cubing

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