- Grades 4 - 12
Product Code 010-5AP ( MR #000873 )
Price $14.95
Fantasy pulls students beyond time, place, and logic. Through fantasy students can experience delight, adventure, and temporary freedom from realistic limitations. However, fantasy is not a permanent escape from the harsh realities of the world; instead, it illuminates some form of reality. It can teach students the most basic skills needed to be human. Through the universality of the themes in fantasy, students can learn many truths about love, honesty, sacrifice, fidelity, jealousy, hate, good and evil, birth and death, hope, perseverance, justice, and the nature of reality. ?
?Children begin their literary lives with fantasy. Parents read them children’s books; they watch Saturday morning cartoons on television, and they see Walt Disney animated cartoons in movie theaters. The lucky ones are able to hold on to their beliefs in magical worlds and fantastic events as they grow older. ?
?Creating mental images should be natural and spontaneous for children; however, when children are told repeatedly, and often harshly, “Stop daydreaming; pay attention,” some soon receive the message that after a certain age there is little time and few places for fantasizing. Create-a-Fantasy is designed to help those students who have lost some of their belief in magical worlds recapture the wonder of fantasy and to help the lucky ones who have retained their delight in fantasy channel their creative efforts. ?
?Fantasy makes an excellent springboard to the study of a variety of subjects—values, the future, sociology, history, the nature of reality, philosophy, and the nature of creative imagination; however, Create-a-Fantasy uses fantasy to encourage students to be creative, especially in writing. ?
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