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To Be Gifted and Learning Disabled is one of the most popular resources available on identifying and meeting the needs of gifted and learning disabled (GLD) youngsters. Part I discusses the patterns of accomplishments and failures that many GLD students present and provides important information about the development of two traditionally separate fields-giftedness and learning disabilities-as well as identification and diagnosis issues. Part II explores the contemporary psychological theory and research that guides educational applications for GLD students. Part III offers practical strategies for teaching GLD students and helping them plan and explore options for their future. This revised and expanded edition includes three new chapters on self-regulation, developing comprehensive IEPs for GLD students, and the roles parents and counselors can play in meeting the social and emotional needs of GLD students. Thoroughly researched and filled with case studies, practical suggestions and techniques for working with GLD students, useful resources, and much more, To Be Gifted and Learning Disabled is a resource anyone who works or lives with a child who has both startling talents and disabling weaknesses should have.